Requirements Unavailble
Before beginning this badge please review Safety –Wise, Pages 94-96.
To complete the Interest Project for Girls 11-17 you must complete six activities in addition to the starred (**) activities.
1. Learn and be able to explain archery safety rules.
2. Name and point out parts of a bow and arrow.
3. Describe and demonstrate how to use an arm guard, shooting glove, finger tab and quiver.
4. Understand the difference between the 3 lines on the range: Observation, Waiting, and Shooting
5. Explain proper care of and how to store the bow, bowstring, arrows, and leather items.
6. Make a poster or sign of proper range rules including commands from the range master
7. Demonstrate proper shooting stance and proper retrieval process.
8. Talk to an Archery instructor to find out what they need to be an archery instructor, how they came to be certified etc.
9. Practice shooting during an archery event with a certified archery instructor. See how many points you can get.
10.Learn at least three different games you can use to make your target practice more fun!
11.** Explain how a bow’s length can determine arrow speed and accuracy.
12.** Find out what types of organizations/competitions are available for archery enthusiasts. Share this information with your troop/group or your council.
13.** Interview your archery instructor. What are the differences between paid and volunteer instructor positions?