We take many things for granted in life. For instance, have you ever thought about your bones? Bones are the framework of your body. Strong bones will help you look and feel your best. Osteoporosis, or porous bones, is a gradual loss of bone mass that causes bone to become brittle and easily break. You can prevent osteoporosis from happening to you when you get older by building strong bones NOW. Purpose: To educate girls and adults about osteoporosis.
Requirements: Complete six activities, including two with a single asterisk (*) and one with a double asterisk (**).
Notes: This project should be done as a troop/group project.
1. * Learn about osteoporosis. What is it and how can it be prevented? Discuss your findings with your troop.
2. Complete the risk assessment tool to find out your risk for developing osteoporosis. Have another person fill out the risk assessment tool, such as your mother, grandmother, or other family members. Compare your answers.
3. Discuss with your troop which factors for osteoporosis you can control and those you cannot.
4. * Learn about calcium rich foods and how to make sure you are getting the recommended amount of calcium. Develop snack recipes to increase the amount of calcium in your diet. Share your snack ideas.
5. Learn about the types of exercise that are best to prevent osteoporosis. Keep an exercise log for one week. Discuss with your troop. Try an exercise that is new for one week.
6. Learn about health professionals who work with osteoporosis. Choose one and explain why it could be an interesting job. Share the information with your troop.
7. ** Evaluate the safety of your own home, or the home of your grandmother, other elderly relative, or elderly family friend using a homesafety check list. Discuss your findings with your troop. Develop a plan with recommendations for changes to make sure the environment is safe.
8. ** Attend and/or participate in a health fair, exhibit, or osteoporosis screening.
9. Develop a radio/TV/newspaper public service announcement to let others know about osteoporosis and what you can do to prevent it. Present the material to a group or other suitable audience.