Civilian Conservation Corps Badge/IPA Requirements By Kaylin Burge Black Diamond The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a work relief program for young men and some young women. The CCC’s were established on March 19, 1933 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The CCC was one of the most popular New Deal programs among the general public and operated in every state and several territories. In WV, among other outdoor work, the CCC’s help to build our many beautiful state parks. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps we want girls to learn more about the CCC’s and all the wonderful work they did to improve our state while helping their families during the depression.
Junior Girl Scouts must complete at least 6 activities including any starred activities. Cadette/Seniors/Ambassadors must complete at least 8 activities including any starred activities.
1. The CCC’s were established to help pull America out of the Depression. What was the Great Depression? Kit, an American girl, is from the Depression Era. Read a couple of her books or see her movie.
2. Re-live a day in the life of young girls during the 30’s-40’s. Play the games they would have played, sing some songs they would have sang, etc.
3. *How has the work of the CCC’s benefited you and your family? Choose two ways to share with your troop or write an essay and send it to the local newspaper or school newsletter.
4. *Visit a CCC museum. There are small CCC museums at a few of our state parks. The most comprehensive museum in WV is housed in Quiet Dell. If you cannot visit a museum watch a DVD or PBS special about the CCC’s.
5. Read a book about the CCC’s or research online. Find out how many camps we had in WV (or your state). Choose one to research further. Share your findings with other Girl Scouts, your family or friends.
6. Interview a former CCC boy or a CCC alumni association member. If you call ahead to the museum in Quiet Dell (or other museum) a CCC alumni association member may be available to be at the museum to be interviewed.
7. Celebrate CCC Day on March 31st by creating a display to teach the public more about the Civilian Conservation Corps. Arrange to set up the display at the local library or city hall.
8. Choose a state park greatly benefiting from the CCC boys and visit it. Find out what the CCC boys did at that park. How does it feel to walk where they walked? What impact does this experience have on you? Share your feelings with your troop, family or friends.
9. The CCC’s lived in camps established at the work site. Find out what their camps were like. What were their sleeping quarters like? Dining Hall? Etc.
10. The CCC boys had school every day. Find out what kind of subjects were available to them.
11. What kind of extra curricular activities did the CCC boys take part in? Participate in one or more of those sports for some fun in their honor.
12. Segregation was the norm during this time period. Research the CCC’s in relation to segregation. Did different races have separate camps? Did they ever work together? Could a woman join the CCC’s? Did they work with the men or separate? Did this change throughout the years of the CCC’s? If so, how?