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Treasure Hunters Badges by JDS Gems and More
Clowning Around GSCB Council own IP (Original)
Junior Badges 1980-2010
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Product Details
Clowning Around The Clowning Around IP is an interest project from the Girl Scouts of the
Chesapeake Bay Council.
Skill Builders
1. Learn the difference between White Face, Auguste and Tramp clowns. Find several
pictures of each type of clown. List what you like about each clown’s make-up.
2. Learn about clown costumes. Assemble a clown costume for yourself that suits your
personality. Explain why you chose the costume you did.
3. Clowns wear lots of make-up so their faces can be seen clearly. Learn about clowning make-up. Apply clown
make-up to your face that best expresses your own personality and feelings.
4. Juggling is a skill used by many clowns. Balls, scarves, rings and clubs can be used for juggling. Learn to
juggle at least one of these items that you have not juggled before.
5. Mime, or the art of expressing yourself with your face and body rather than words, is important for every clown.
Prepare a skit in mime and share with your troop or group. If possible, watch a video of Charlie Chaplin, Red
Skelton, Laurel and Hardy, Jerry Lewis or other mimes in action. Incorporate some of their moves into your
6. Write and perform at least three skits that can be used while clowning.
1. Find web sites with information about clown make-up, clown skits, clown training and clown supplies.
2. Learn to do three (3) magic tricks that you can use in your clown act.
3. Many clowns incorporate technology into their performances. Observe a clown performance and list all of the
technology used in it.
4. Search the Internet for information regarding the History of Clowning. One web site with some information is
Service Projects
1. As a clown, entertain the residents in a nursing home or at a children’s ward in a hospital.
2. Teach younger Girl Scouts some Clown techniques.
3. Teach something to Daisy, Brownie or Junior Girl Scouts through clowning.
4. Do “walk around” clowning at a community event.
Career Exploration
1. Find out about Clown Camps, Clown Conventions, Clown College and other places that offer clown training.
Give a report on one that you might like to attend.
2. Read a biography/autobiography of a famous clown, i.e. Emmett Kelley, Red Skelton or Charlie Chaplin.
3. Talk to a professional clown about training, business opportunities, etc.
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Clowning Around GSCB Council own IP (Original)
Junior Badges 1980-2010
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