Dog Mushing Badge Complete 6 activities, including the two starred (*) requirements:
1. * Interview a dog musher. Learn how sled dogs are trained, which dogs are best for each type of mushing, how and when they are disciplined and when they are retired. Learn what happens on the train: What dogs eat, what the musher wears, what is carried on the sled and what first aid might be needed by the dogs.
2. * Visit a kennel. Learn what is involved in the upkeep of a kennel, what the dogs eat, how they are housed, what it costs to keep a sled dog. Learn how to act around dogs, how to harness a dog, how to ride a sled. Learn the commands. If possible, drive the sled yourself.
3. Find out about groups in your community who share an interest in mushing.
4. Learn the parts of the sled and mushing vocabulary.
5. Make a model of a dog sled.
6. Make an illustrated booklet of mushing dog breeds. Describe their distinctive features and uses.
7. Read a book about mushing (Examples: Dogsong by Gary Paulsen or Call of the Wild by Jack London) or watch a movie about mushing.
8. Learn about the Iditarod, Yukon Quest or other local sled dog races.
9. Draw a map of the Yukon Quest train, label the check points.
10. Research and map the Serum Race to Nome, Alaska.
11. Watch a sled dog race. Cheer for your favorite team.
12. Sponsor a dog team entered in the Yukon Quest or do a service project for the Yukon Quest. (Make posters and have them displayed, etc.)