Flying Amid the Stars
Daisies complete 3
Brownies complete 4
Juniors complete 5
CSA complete 7
1) Movie makers often make up their own unique language. Make your own language and teach it to your troop. Try to teach your troop something using your language.
2) Host a Jedi council meeting.
3) Make a family tree of your family and Star Wars families. Compare.
4) Have a Cupcake War. Try your hand at baking cupcakes then decorating them with a Star Wars theme. Vote on your favorite one(s). (Judging could be taste, looks, a combo of the two, or anything else you would like.)
5) Create a Star Wars cosplay with your troop or friends.
6) Recreate the battle between Darth Vader and Luke.
7) Host a Star Wars movie marathon.
8) Do research on how a light saber is created and how it works. Create your own light saber.
9) Research a few of the languages spoken in the movies. Learn a few phrases.
10) Create a model of the Death Star.