Daisies complete 3 Brownies complete 4 Juniors complete 5 CSA complete 7
Girls From Other Lands
1. Learn about another country. What is the capital? What is their currency and flag?
2. Learn about Girl Scouts in another country. What do they wear as a uniform over there? What do the badges and awards look like?
3. Dress up in a traditional costume from another country. Make a costume or accessory or paint your face or hands in a traditional art.
4. Make a recipe from another country that children would like to make. Examples could be a drink or dessert or a simple song to sing.
5. Pick a country. What do children do for fun? Demonstrate this by playing a traditional game or making a craft, like a cornhusk doll or papercutting.
6. In some countries, children help their parents get water from the lake or stream in a basket on top of their head. Try balancing a basket on top of your head. For extra, you can make a game out of it.
7. Children in other lands speak different languages than English. Try to speak another language or count to 10 in it.
8. Go to an event where diversity from another country is involved. This can be Thinking Day, a cultural dance, or a book reading.
9. Share your heritage with someone by demonstrating where you come from. For extra, compare it with theirs.
10. Demonstrate community service by helping someone from another country. Help them get somewhere, help them with their homework or understanding something, or visit their house. Be a friend to a fellow child.
11. Go to an international market and look at foods from other countries. How is it different? How is it the same?
12. Incorporate a dance, song, game, recipe, or craft from another country in an event. For extra, you can plan your own cultural event.