Brownies pick 4
Juniors pick 5 with 1 from each category
C/S/A pick 7 with at least 2 skills, 1 career, 1 service, 1 technology, 2 activity
Katniss shoots Coin because Coin was going to put the Capital children into a Hunger Games, just like Snow did to the District children. Katniss was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that the government could not become corrupt again. Think about some things in your life that are very important to you. What can you do to help? How can you help support your beliefs? Try doing something that would make a difference.
Ex. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) helps people who need accommodations among other things. If you see a building that does not have wheelchair access, what could you do to remedy this?
The Capitals military headquarters are in Dist 2 in ‘The Nut’
Construct a smaller scale version of ‘The Nut’—what could you hide?
Make a list of good things you see others do over the course of the week. How do these things make you feel? Did it make you want to do more nice things for others? Why or why not?
Set up a “teddy bear drive” with a local children’s hospital or other outreach program.
Set up and carry out a service animal visit to a hospital/nursing home/outreach program for terminal patients.
Visit a police department – How is this similar to a military installation? How are police officers organized? Who is in charge? Who are the “soldiers?”
Visit a hospital. How are the different departments organized? Why is the Emergency Department different than a regular inpatient floor? How is food prepared and served? How is this similar to District 13?
Media can be a very powerful influence. It can have a positive and a negative connotation. Think about the segments used in Mockingjay. How are these done? Can you create a clip? Try your hand at filming and acting. Use your troop/friends to help you.
Play Peeta’s game: Real/Not Real
First Aid activity: Write different injuries on index cards. Have girls draw different injuries and their partners properly treat those injuries. Examples: Wrist fracture, superficial burns, insect stings, skin laceration, dehydration, broken leg.
Find out what an investiture ceremony, bridging ceremony, and other ceremonies involved in Girl Scouts are. What is involved? Plan one.
Tracker Jacker Tag: Get pricing sticker dots (or similar) and tag each other with them. After being tagged, an increasing number of stickers “injures” the person more severely. For example: After one sticker, the person can only walk (not run). After two stickers, the person can only hop on one leg. After three stickers, the person can only crawl. After four stickers, the person is immobilized. After five stickers the person is “dead.”
Dress up as Capitol People