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Flower – Do all starred.
Triangle – Do 7 requirements including starred.
Circle – Do 9 requirements including starred.
Rectangle – Do all requirements including starred.
*Learn the difference between a kayak and a canoe. What are their similarities? What is each one used for? What can they not be used for that the other one can?
*Learn the major parts of each, a kayak and a canoe. Be able to show and explain these parts to others and why the part is important to know.
*Learn and discuss the characteristics of a life jacket. Why must a life jacket always be worn while paddling? Learn about how to properly fit a life jacket.
*On dry land, learn how to properly enter and exit your craft. Learn and display the proper kneeling and/or sitting techniques and explain what each position is for.
*Learn about the different paddles and paddling techniques. What are the differences between kayaking and canoeing? What are the similarities? Learn the different paddling strokes for both kayaking and canoeing. Canoe: Forward, Backstroke, Forward Sweep, Reverse Sweep, Draw, Pushaway, J-stroke, and Rudder Stroke. Kayak: Forward, Backstroke, Forward Sweep, Reverse Sweep, Draw Stroke, and Stern Draw.
*Go for a ride as a passenger (or watch a video of a demonstration)! Watch the person or persons and how they adjust their bodies to the flow of the water, how they paddle, how they keep their balance, etc. Next, go for a ride as a paddler! Go a safe distance from shore and make sure you have proper adult supervision. Demonstrate what you have learned.
Learn about proper care and storage of the equipment and craft. How are kayaks properly stored when not in use? How are canoes properly stored when not in use? How are life jackets properly stored when not in use? Are there recommended cleaning products? Are there products that should not be used?
Research employment opportunities related to kayaking and canoeing. Is there special training that is required for those professions? Are kayaking and canoeing represented in the Olympics? If yes, what is the history of kayaking and canoeing in the Olympics? Create a poster showing what you have learned.
Learn how to react to a capsized craft. First, learn how to exit and re-enter a craft while it is in the water, without capsizing it. Next, learn how to exit and re-enter a craft while it is in the water and has been capsized. Learn how to empty a capsized craft then re-enter the craft.
Learn about proper equipment you will need for a kayak and/or canoe trip aside from the craft, paddle, and life jacket. Plan a day trip and make a list of all items you will need for this trip. Make sure to include personal equipment and needed items, and group equipment and needed supplies. Don’t forget your first aid kit!
Demonstrate all that you have learned in a small kayak and/or canoe trip. Make sure you have proper adult supervision and the trip has been approved by your governing organization.