Explore the Middle Ages and complete six of the following activities to earn this badge.
Your library and the Internet have many medieval reference materials to help you in your quest for knowledge, a bid ye go forth and conquer! 1. Make Mine Medieval: Find out about the Middle Ages by making a timeline of the events that happened during that period.
2. Gorgeous Garb: Make an article of medieval clothing (which was called “garb”). You could wear it to your feast. While you are making your garb, find out about the roles of medieval women.
3. Huzzah for Youzah! Learn the lingo. Investigate the language of the time. Use this lingo during a troop meeting or write a conversation using it.
4. Huzzah Paloozah: Have a medieval feast where you or your troop tries recipes from the Middle Ages.
5. Cheers to Thou! Decorate plastic cups as goblets. Use your imagination. You could paint the outside, glue gems on it, or twist wire around the base for that medieval touch. Use your cups for drinking at your feast or anytime.
6. Mulled Cider, Wassail, and Mead, Oh My! Make a batch of mulled cider, wassail, or mead using one of the recipes below or one that you come up with.
Mulled Cider ½ gallon apple cider whole cloves a sprinkle of allspice cinnamon sticks Warm and serve warm with a slice of orange or lemon.
Wassail 1 quart water 1 gallon apple cider 3 spiced tea bags 1 cup cranberry juice ½ cup sugar 4 whole cloves 1 quart orange juice 3 cinnamon sticks 2 orange slices ¼ cup red hot candies Bring water to a boil. Steep tea and remove. Add sugar to dissolve. Add the rest of the ingredients, return to a boil, and steep on low for 15 minutes, watching and stirring. Serve warm, not hot.
Easy Mead ½ gallon apple juice ½ cup honey Warm mixed ingredients and serve with a cinnamon stick for stirring.
7. Kidding Around: Make a toy that was popular during this time in history. Think about recycling for this part and try to use what you have on hand.
8. Master Medieval Music, My Lady: Music was very important during medieval times. String instruments were especially popular. Find out about the instruments of this time or make an example of one.
9. Festival Faire: Participate in a medieval festival. You could host a medieval party for a younger troop or have a troop party. Include music, sports, food, and dance.
10. Hark! Have You Heard? The Heraldry: Find out the importance of heraldry during the Middle Ages by doing one of the following: learn the rules and meanings of the colors, shapes, and critters used in heraldry; learn about charges and their uses; or make your own coat of arms or banner. You could use what you make and learn at your festival.
11. King Me! Do one of the following: • Find out who lived in the castles of the Middle Ages and what a castleʼs purpose was. • Draw a real or imaginary castle. • Build a castle from materials you have. Make sure to give your castle a name.
12. The Pale Truth: Make a troop list of strange-but-true facts about medieval times.