Girls will learn about traditions and customs of Native Americans. Girls will learn about Native American tribes from their area, explore evidence of Native Americans, such as mounds and arrowheads, and learn about Native American dwellings. Girls will play traditional Native American games that child once played and create their own Native American toys. It is a wonderful opportunity for girls to learn and celebrate the rich history and tradition of Native Americans. To earn the Native American Lore Award, Junior Girl Scouts must complete five activities, including the starred activities. 1. *Find out information about the Native American tribe of your choice, learn about their customs and religious beliefs, find out what part of the country they lived in and about their leadership and how they were chosen. 2. Learn about Native American cooking. Learn how food was preserved, what methods of cooking were used, and what type of cooking utensils were used. 3. Learn a Native American dance and show it to a group of Girl Scouts. 4. Learn Native American sign language for your selected tribe and be able to carry on a short conversation with another person. 5. Find out how a Native American was named and give yourself a name. Use that name for one week. You must be able to give your leader the reason you think the name is right for you. Make a pictograph of your name. 6. Find out about Native American picture writing. Make up a story or use a story of events that happened to you at a camp and make a pictograph depicting your story and share it with a group of Girl Scouts. 7. Learn something about the Native American languages. There are fifty-eight major languages and we have taken many words from the Indian vocabulary and made them a part of our American language. Find out some of the Indian words we use today. Also, find out some of the towns and cities that use Indian names. Find out if there is anything in your town with an Indian name, word, or phrase. 8. Learn a Native American song and teach it to a friend or sing it to a group of Girl Scouts. 9. Learn about clothing Native Americans wore and make an article of clothing or jewelry like that worn by your favorite tribe. Tell the members of your troop about what you have made.