1. Visit your local zoo and spend at least 10 minutes observing three different animals at night. Record their activities. How do you think their behaviors would change during the day? What special adaptations do these animals have to help them be nocturnal?
2. Define the following: nocturnal, diurnal, and crepuscular. Identify one animal that fits with each word.
3. List the five senses we each have. Which sense do you rely on the most? The least? Why? What sense do you think animals rely on the most? Do you think they are the same for the daytime and at night?
4. How do predator and prey differ in their adaptations? Give an example of one for each.
5. Each girl needs to find a partner and go on a trust walk. Pay attention to how it feels not to rely on your vision. (If you are vision-impaired pick another sense).
6. Spend five minutes without talking in a quiet place. What do you hear? Have you ever noticed those noises before?
7. Discover whether nocturnal animals see color like we do. Why is this important? a. In a dark area, spread out an assortment of different colored squares of paper. Have each girl pick a colored square. After everyone is finished, keep your square, and go to a lighted area. Did you guess correctly?
8. In a dark area have a leader pass out paper and crayons to everyone. Sit in the dark; draw a picture (it is helpful if the leader tells a story with certain things for the group to draw). After you have drawn several objects, flip the paper over and write your name and what color you think your crayon is. The leader will collect the papers and crayons and then pass them back out. Did you choose your color correctly? What do your pictures look like? Was it difficult to draw in the dark?
9. What did you learn about nocturnal animals? If you had to choose would be nocturnal, diurnal, or crepuscular? What animal would you be?