PURPOSE: To increase understanding and awareness of Oklahoma’s divers Indian heritage. Complete six (6) of the items below.
1. On a map of Oklahoma, show where Indian tribes lived in the past throughout the state. Also show where these same tribes live today in relation to present day towns and/or counties.
2. Select five Oklahoma towns that have Indian names and explain their meanings.
3. Take a trip to a museum or place of historical interest and/or talk with a person of Indian ancestry.
4. Describe different types of shelter and clothing used at least by two different tribes. How did they travel and transport goods? (Draw, make samples or models, study pictures)
5. Find out what plants Indian tribes used for food, medicine and dye. What methods were used to treat illness?
6. Find out what animals were important to Indian tribes and how they were used.
7. Determine what the family structure was like in an Indian tribe. What was the role of women?
8. Find out more about tribal ceremonies for at least two different tribes. Describe a ceremony including regalia, songs and dances.
9. Show and/or tell how art and design played a part in tribal life. Make something using an Indian design.
10. Make a toy or learn a game that Indian children enjoyed.
11. Learn what languages were used by at least two different tribes. Learn three signs or words or read and tell an Indian story.
12. Find at least one way to share what you have learned while working on this badge. Plan a special program and present it to parents or Girl Scouts, prepare an exhibit or put together a reference notebook for others to use.