Purpose: To learn about Oklahoma’s land, people, customs, and spirit!
Skill Builders Complete 2 activities
1. Attend a historical festival or event in the state. Give a presentation about it to a younger group.
2. Research the history and origin of two other state festivals, and attend one. Include in your research date of origin, legends, background, history, present day events and offerings.
3. Research the history of Girl Scouting in Oklahoma. Where was the first troop? What did they do? How did their role change as the role of women in society changed?
4. How many Girl Scout councils are in Oklahoma? How many Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, and Senior Girl Scouts, and volunteers belong to each council?
5. What sports are popular in Oklahoma? Find a female role model in each of the sports, Try one of the sports or attend a sporting event that is interesting to you.
6. When did Oklahoma become a state? What does the word Oklahoma mean? The word “Oklahoma” comes from which tribal language?
Technology Complete 1 activity
1. Using the internet, find Oklahoma’s state flag, bird, flower, tree and other state symbols. Identify legends, dates, and other information important to these symbols.
2. Weather is a daily topic on the minds of Oklahomans. Find out why Oklahoma has such unusual weather and visit with a meteorologist and learn about the instruments they use to do their job.
3. Do you have relatives that are native to Oklahoma? Do a search of your genealogy and find out.
4. Figure the average life span of people back in the early days of statehood. Then talk to a health care professional to discover why we have longer life expectancies today.
5. Using the internet, find out the overall population of Oklahoma and what percentage are Native Americans.
Service Project Complete 1 activity
1. Several disasters have occurred in Oklahoma that has made an impact on those that live here as well as across the country and world. Find out about those disasters and make a care package to be given to an agency who serves people in need.
2. The Oklahoma City National Memorial has been created with time, memories, and symbolism. Find out the significance of the design and the symbolism incorporated into the memorial. Find a way you can contribute to the memorial.
3. Oklahoma has national and state parks. Locate them on a map. Contact a ranger or the Department of Parks and Recreation to determine needs that they have and contribute your time to help fulfill their needs.
4. Make a board game about Oklahoma and teach it to another group.
Career Exploration Complete 1 activity
8. Oklahoma is noted for its aviation industry. Tour a business involved in this industry. Make a list of job opportunities in the aviation industry. Who are important Oklahomans who contributed to the aviation industry?
9. Find out about the oil industry. What is “Mary Sudik #1” and where was it drilled? What is a “gusher” and why don’t we have them today? Make a list of job opportunities in the oil industry.
10. Find out about new industries being developed in Oklahoma today which may become very important to Oklahoma’s future. Visit one.
11. Learn about universities and colleges in Oklahoma. How are they ranked nationally? What programs are offered that you are interested in? What is the cost to attend an Oklahoma university or college? Discuss how to finance your college education.
12. Find out what military installations are in Oklahoma. What are their purposes for being here? How does national policy affect them? What are the roles of women in the Armed Forces?
13. There are six NASA astronauts that call Oklahoma home. Who are they? What is their educational background? What were their specific jobs and responsibilities with NASA? The female Oklahoman astronaut holds the U.S. record for something. What is it?
PLUS Choose 2 activities from any category