AGE LEVEL: Juniors PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Having girls start at an early age to develop life long healthy living habits is important. This patch program will give girls a chance to do a variety of healthy living activities. BADGE REQUIREMENTS: Complete six activities including two of the starred activities.
1. Invite a coach or an older athlete to teach specific skills to your troop. Then, teach these skills to Brownie Girl Scouts.
2. Join a sports team and participate for at least two months.
3. Plan, set-up, conduct and evaluate an exercise course for Brownie Girl Scouts.
4. Assist a coach in coaching younger children on a sports team, i.e., T-ball, soccer, etc.
5. Plan the menu for a weekend for your family using the food pyramid. Prepare at least one of these meals.
6. ***Try out a new sport or physical activity which you have never participated in before.
7. Select a female athlete who is in the media. Find three media sources who tell about her.
8. ***Keep a food diary for a week. Evaluate and make a list of healthier choices. Share your findings.
9. Attend a professional or college level women’s sporting event.
10.Assist at a school sports field day.
11. Plan a mini-field day for Brownie Girl Scouts or Daisy Girl Scouts.
12. ***Interview a person in the sports professions, i.e., trainer, sports psychologist, sports medicine specialist, coach, or physical education teacher. Ask what they do, why they do it and what they did to get there.
13. Research Special Olympics in your area. Find out about volunteer opportunities.
14.***Attend a sporting event for people with special needs, i.e., wheelchair basketball, Special Olympics, etc.
15. Make arrangements to visit a sporting goods store and observe a demonstration on the proper use of sports equipment or clothing. Find out about something new.
16. Tour a sports equipment/sportswear factory.
17. Learn about the health problems related to smoking and second-hand smoke.
18. Learn about eating disorders. What are the danger signals for these disorders? 19. Find out the benefits of stretching muscles before exercising. Try five different stretches.