To Earn: To earn this badge you must complete six activities. The starred activities are required.
1. Learn the American Manual Alphabet. Be able to sign your name and the names of at least four friends.
2. Learn the actions/signs to at least four of the following: Taps Little Bunny Foo-Foo In a Cabin in the Woods We Change the World Kum Ba Ya Brownie Smile Song Indian Silent Grace My Hat
3. Play at least four of the following games: Charades, Finger Spelling Telephone, Finger Spelling Bea, The Wild Duck Finger Spelling Game, I spy, Forbidden Seeds, Letter Link, Sign a Tale, or Dizzy Descriptions
4. Read a story about a deaf person.
5. Learn to count with ASL (American Sign Language)
6. Use earplugs or cotton balls during a meeting. Change with a buddy half way though the meeting (half of the troop will be “deaf”, half will be hearing at any time). Write down how you felt when you were “deaf”. How did you communicate with your others in your troop? How did they communicate with you? What difficulties, if any did you have? What could you do to make it easier for a deaf person to join your group?
7. Write and perform a skit about a deaf person that wants to join your Girl Scout troop.
8. Learn the Girl Scout Promise in sign language. Share this with others.
9. Compare Indian Sign Language with ASL. Are there any signs that are similar?
Resource Materials Manual Alphabet and Signs: 1. A Show of Hands, by Mary Beth Sullivan and Linda Burke. 2. Brownie Handbook, 3. Finger Spelling Fun, by David A. Adler 4. Hand Talk, an ABC of Finger Spelling and Sign Lanuage, by Remy Charlop and Mary Beth Miller 5. Hand Talk Zoo, by George Ancona 6. Indian Sign Language, by Robert Hofsinde 7. Indian Signs and Signals, by George Fronval and Daniel Dubois 8. My first book of Sign, by Pamela J Baker 9. North American Indian Sign Language, by Karen Liptak 10. Sesame Street Sign Language ABC, by Linda Bove 11. Sesame Street Sign Language Fun, by Linda Bove 12. Sign Language Talk, by Laura Green and Eva B. Dicker 13. Sign Language, A First Book, by Laura Green and Eva B. Dicker Games: 1. Finger Spelling Fun, by David A. Adler 2. Sign Language, A First Book, by Laura Green and Eva B. Dicker Stories: 1. Jessi’s Secret Language (The Baby-Sitters Club book #16), by Anne Martin 2. Sign Language, A First Book (Chapter 4), by Laura Green and Eva B. Dicker 3. Words in Our Hands, by Ada B. Litchfield Songs: 1. Brownie Handbook, 2. Brownies Own Songbook, 3. We Change The World (music cassette), by Melinda Caroll 4. We Change The Word (VHS tape), by Melinda Caroll 5. Wee Sing Fun ‘N’ Folk, by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp 6. Wee Sind Children’s Songs and Finger Plays, by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp 7. Wee Sing and Play, by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp 8. , by Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp
A Silver Award Project by Elizabeth N. Rouse, Cadette Girl Scout, Troop 60, Mt. Laurel, NJ, 1992