Transitions Brownies – Do 4 Requirements. Juniors – Do 6 Requirements. C/S/A – Do all requirements.
1. When did Girl Scouting first start in the United States? By whom? Do some research and find out about the first Girl Scout Troop. How is it different than your troop/group now? Share your findings.
2. How have the Girl Scout Promise and Law changed since the beginning of Girl Scouts? Find a pre-1980’s version of the Promise and Law and share it with your troop or group.
3. Find out about the different program age levels and when they were introduced. Create a timeline to show your troop or group and share what you have learned.
4. Pick a program age level and research how many different handbooks and badge-books there have been since the age level was first introduced to Girl Scouts. Try to find earlier versions when there were no program age levels and see what you find! Pick 3 or more earned badges from the following list and compare their evolution from 1912 to now. Share your findings.
5. What are journeys? Do some research and find out where the Journeys came from and why and when they were introduced into the Girl Scouting program.
6. The Girl Scout uniform has evolved as much as the Girl Scout program itself. Do some research and find as many different versions of the Girl Scout uniform as you can. Create a collage to share with your troop or group and explain the different uniforms and what time period they are from.
7. The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a major source of income for Girl Scouts. Research the evolution of the program since 1917. Try to find the original cookie recipe and see if you can create a batch of cookies! Find out what other national fundraisers Girl Scouts uses and the history of those fundraisers. What fundraisers does your council offer?
8. Talk to several Girl Scouts from the past generations. Show them the newest changes to Girl Scouts. How do they differ from the program they participated in? What changes do they like? What changes do they not like? Compile a list and add your own opinions. For the dislikes, is there something you can do about them to change them to likes?