Does it snow in the winter where you live? What is the normal temperature in your area for winter? What date marks the official start of winter? Learn about a different area that has different temperatures in the winter.
Have a wintery snack or learn about foods served in the winter. Examples include: Holiday cookies, Hot cocoa, and warm soup. For extra, have a cookie exchange.
Compare how animals and humans adapt to the winter weather. Choose an animal and name how they adapt to the weather.
Create an art project that reflects the winter season. Examples: Paper snowflakes, snowman puppet, or painted picture.
Read a book has a wintery theme to it.
Learn about a winter holiday celebrated. Complete an activity representing the event.
Why does it snow? What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in your area? Compare it to another area. For extra credit a build a snowman or create a wintry fun picture of your choice.
Attend a winter wonderland event or visit a place that is celebrating the winter season.
Watch a wintery themed movie, play, or participate in one.
Donate or collect winter items for the less fortunate. Examples include: socks, hats, mittens, gloves, and coats.