To earn this try-it you must complete at least 4 requirements INCLUDING THE TWO STARRED, but don’t stop if the girls are having fun! We recommend you take out some books from your local library to show the girls examples.
*1. What is and what is not an insect? Specifically study the parts of butterflies, ants, bees and dragonflies. Leaders note: All insects have 6 legs, 3 body parts, antennae, hatch from eggs, go through some sort of metamorphosis and at some point in their life cycle have wings.
2. Go on a Bug Safari using the activity on page 47 of the Brownie Leaders’ Guide (rev. 2000). Using the attached chart, take the girls outside and look at your local “bugs” and have the girls complete their own chart.
*3. Learn the different stages of metamorphosis for butterflies, ants, bees and dragonflies. (They are not all the same!)
4. Visit a butterfly garden or butterfly collection. Become an expert and be able to identify at least 5 kinds of butterflies and moths. Learn what plants and colors of flowers attract which insects. If your area does not have a butterfly garden already, you could plant one as a service project.
5. Learn about the life cycle of an ant. Learn about ant colonies and the jobs each ant has to do. You could make an ant farm and observe it for some weeks.
6. Learn about the 3 kinds of bees, the parts of a bee’s body and about their life cycle. Find out about honey bees and the many types of honey they make. Taste different kinds of honey.
7. Make an insect hotel using an oatmeal box, coffee can or similar container. Observe the insect for a short while and then carefully release it back to nature.
8. Learn 2 songs and 2 games about insects. Share them with a group of younger girls.
9. Make a “bug” snack. Suggestions are endless like ants on a log, butterfly 22 nectar (fruit punch), Jell-O with gummy worms, etc. 10. Make a craft project relating to your “insect theme” and donate them to a pre-school class or nursing home.