1. Safety First Know how to stay safe around ponies or horses is always important. Show you know how to approach a pony or horse correctly. Dress for safety when riding on a pony or horse. Know why it's important to wear a helmet. What is considered suitable footwear?
2. Caring for horses and ponies Do all of the following: Find out how to groom a pony or horse. Ask an adult to show you the tools used for grooming. What do ponies and horses eat? How much do they eat? Animal doctors are called veterinarians. When treating ponies or horses, what kind of care do they provide? Why do they visit the stables?
3. Horse and Pony skills Lead a pony or horse with a lead rope. Mount and dismount correctly. Ride with an adult leading the pony or horse in an arena or safe area.
4. Mane Parts Learn to name the main parts of a horse or pony.
5. Pony pictures Make a list of real or fictional ponies or horses. Pick a horse from your list and see a video or read a book about it. Color a picture about your favorite part in the story and share it with others.
6. A Horse of a Different Color Look through books for pictures of ponies or horses. Do they look alike? How are they different? What color(s) would you want your pony or horse to be? Color a picture of a pony or horse and add your special markings.