* This is a NON-RIDING try-it to help Brownies learn about horses before they learn to ride
To earn this try-it, girls must finish at least 4 requirements including starred #1. However if they want to do more, don't stop the fun!
*1. Discuss with the girls the safety requirements they must understand before they go to a stable, go near a horse or take their first lesson. It is very important to emphasize the need for proper protective gear and clothing including wearing safety headgear and appropriate boots or shoes. Please refer to pages 102-104 of your Safety-Wise.
2. Using a diagram of a horse from a library book, learn the parts of a horse. Learn about the many breeds of horses. Have each girl make her own booklet about horses starting with this diagram.
3. Learn the names and draw pictures of each tool that is used to groom a horse. Learn the parts of a saddle and bridle. What is the difference between English and Western riding. Add these pictures to your book.
4. Have someone talk to the troop about the ways horses helped in developing this country (transportation, farming, communication and sport).
5. Find out what equestrian means and what type of sporting events involve horses. Do men and women have separate events like other sports or do they compete as equals? Emphasize the different types of Olympic events.
6. Go to your library and investigate how many books there are on horses. Read a story about a horse. After the story, make a picture for your booklet about the story. As a group, watch a movie or video about a horse.
7. Go to a stable, county fair, horse show or farm and see how the horse are cared for before and after riding or working.
8. Make a collage or poster about horses. Cut out pictures from magazines or newspapers or draw your own pictures. Display your posters.
9. Find out about animal rescue organizations especially those who help horses. Discuss donating money from troop funds to help your local SPCA purchase feed for horses or donkeys. Your local SPCA might wish used, but in good condition, towels and blankets for horses. Call and ask.
10. Make your own hobby horse from an old sock and broomstick. Materials needed for each horse: 1 adult-size cotton sock, styrofoam ball, broomstick or dowel, 2 plastic or styrofoam cups, pair of 1" wiggly eyes, felt and yarn, pipe cleaners, craft glue, cotton balls or batting. Directions: Push the broomstick or dowel into the ball. Push the base of the cup into the toe of a sock and then pull the sock over top of the ball and stick. Cut 2 ears out of felt, a blaze for the face out of white felt, and nostrils out of pink felt. Glue these in place. Make a mane out of a rectangle of brown felt; fringe the edges and glue to the neck. To make a bridle, tie a loop of yarn around the nose; tie a second loop around the forehead. Use two pipe-cleaner rings for the bit. Tie a piece of yarn to one ring and loop it over the head to the other. Lastly, tie yarn reins to the rings, stuff the sock with batting and slip over another cup.
11. Learn about services available to keep a horse healthy: equine veterinarian, dentist, farrier, worming schedule, etc.
12. A horse bed is much different from yours. Learn what is necessary to keep a horse warm and cozy in its stall. You could construct a stall using popsicle sticks and hay.
13. Horses and humans have had a long relationship. Learn how horses are being used to help the developmentally handicapped and the treatment of emotionally troubled youths and adults.