MICHIGAN Water, it’s the reason European explorers and fur traders arrived in Michigan long before they got to many other parts of the Midwest. With shoreline on four of the five Great Lakes it’s also the reason it attracts travelers today. Michigan also has vast forests, farmland, large cities, and small towns. The state is a paradise of recreation in both the summer and winter months. Michigan is a great place to live or a great place to visit!
Complete 4 activities to earn your Michigan Try-It.
1. Michigan State Symbols Every state has symbols to represent them. Learn about Michigan’s symbols. Search on the web, write to your representative, or research about them at your local library. Try to find at least two in your local surroundings. Can you find any in your backyard? At your local park? While you’re on a fieldtrip or vacation?
2. Michigan State Flag Search the web to find information and a picture of the flag to print and color. Try to color your flag as true as you can.
3. Michigan Industry The three largest income-producing industries in Michigan are manufacturing, tourism, and 231 agriculture. Make a list of 10 products grown or made in Michigan. Try a few new to you.
4. Michigan Legends and Stories The legend of Paul Bunyan grew out of the logging area in Michigan. The legend of the Sleeping Bear Dunes was told before the lumber industry began. Find a book on one of these or find another on your own and read it with your family or troop.
5. Origin of the name Michigan Every name has a history, how was ours derived? The state also has several nicknames, find out what they are. Which do you like? Share your findings with your parents, friends, and troop.
6. Michigan Great Lakes Did you know that Michigan is the only state bordered by four of the five Great Lakes? Learn about them…you can use the acronym H. O. M. E. S. to help you remember their names.
7. Michiganian or Michigander? Which do you like better? Why? Draw a picture or write a story, poem, or song about Michigan.
8. Fast Facts Find out five interesting facts about the State of Michigan. Share them with your family and troop.
This Try-It was developed by GSMD Troop #830 as their Silver Award project in 2007