SAND IN MY SHOES BADGE FOR BROWNIE GIRL SCOUTS Exploring the Pine Barrens and Ocean Ecosystems To earn this Try-It, complete 4 requirements—2 from Pine Barrens and 2 from Ocean sections.
Pine Barrens:
1. Identify animals that live in the Pine Barrens and learn the names of some facts about 4 of the animals. Using stick puppets act out a story about the facts you have learned.
2. Explain fires role in the pinelands ecosystem. Make a list of the benefits of “fire” in the pinelands. Firewise DVD available for borrow, for leader to review for additional information.
3. Identify trees that grow in the Pine Barrens (Atlantic White Cedar, White Oak and Pitch Pine). What is the difference in the three types of trees: leaves, bark.
4. Oak trees are found in the Pine Barrens. The seeds of the oak tree are acorns. Acorns are also a source of food for squirrels, deer, chipmunks, birds and other animals. Collect acorns for planting (procedure attached). Plant them yourselves or donate to the Forest Resource Center in Jackson for planting.
5. Visit the Forest Resource Education Center in Jackson to learn more about trees.
6. Visit Cattus Island County Park & Cooper Environmental Center to learn more about Pine Barrens animals.
7. Do a service project—clean a beach or park in your community. Contact any of the resources listed and volunteer.
7. Learn some fact about the sea turtle. Where do they live, how big are they, are they all the same color? Why are they in danger and how can you help? Create a sea creature craft.
8. Seashells are pretty to look at and also homes for many animals. Identify 3 different shells found on the beach. What kind of animal has lived in this type of shell? Make a craft using shells.
9. What kinds of plants live in the ocean? How many different types of seaweed are found in the ocean and what color are they?
10. It is difficult to keep our oceans clean. Pretend you are an inventor and design something that will help keep our ocean clean. Make a poster of your invention.
11. Visit Jenkinson’s Aquarium in Point Pleasant to learn more about sea creatures.
FIRE IN THE PINELANDS Fire in an ecosystem is a natural and revitalizing process. Background for Leaders: Fire in the Pinelands—An essential ecological process Benefits: • Reduces the accumulation of combustible material • Recycles Forest nutrients • Minimizes insect populations and spread of disease • Encourages and maintain growth of native trees and plants best suited to fire-adapted ecosystems • Removes unwanted species that threaten ecosystem’s health • Provides better access and condition for wildlife • Reduces wildfire potential • Enhances vegetation by releasing nutrients from leaf litter • Reduces more severe wildfires • Regeneration of pitch pines from below the bark and on the roots below the soil surface • Create favorable nesting sites for Prairie Warblers Prescribed Fire: A carefully, planned fire set under optimal conditions • Used only under appropriate conditions, on appropriate sites • Is carefully planned • Occurs only when optimum temperature, humidity, wind speed and fuel moisture content occurs • Ensures that the fire remains inside designated boundaries • Is guided b smoke management plans to minimize smoke’s impact on populated areas • Reduces more severe wildfires that threaten our air quality and public health. Uncontrolled fire can contribute to serious erosion and flooding Smoke emissions that impair air quality will increase Without fire: • Massive insect and/or disease epidemics could occur • Loss of native trees and plants • Wildlands could be more susceptible to wildfire • Water quality and fish and wildlife habitat could be impaired and might decline • Habitat for threatened and endangered species could be lost • Ecosystems will convert from fire resistant to fire-intolerant which are less resilient to fire • Recreational areas could be adversely affected `
Cattus Island County Park & Cooper Environmental Center 1170 Cattus Island Blvd Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-6960
Double Trouble State Park PO Box 175 Bayville, NJ 08721 732-341-6662
Forked River Mountain Coalition PO Box 219 Forked River, NJ 08731 609-971-1635
Island Beach State Park PO Box 37 Seaside Park, NJ 08752 732-793-0506
Jenkinson Aquarium 300 Ocean Avenue Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 732-899-1659 (educational workshops)
Wells Mills County Park Route 532 Waretown, NJ 08758 609-971-3085