Purpose: To help girls explore the "mysteries" of the animal world and the human world. Brownie Girl Scouts: Complete four requirements, two from each section.
Section 1: Mysteries in the Animal Kingdom
1. Dig a hole in the ground and identify three living things in the animal kingdom. How do they help us?
2. Examine a pond water sample (from a pond with living plants in or around it) under a microscope. Are there tiny living creatures? Identify two creatures. Are they in a larvae or another stage of development? What may eat them?
3. Learn the elements of a habitat. Play a game that helps understand what happens if the balance is upset.
4. Learn to identify five sets of animal tracks that you may find in Illinois. Discuss why they may look different. Where, and on what type of surface, might be a good to find them?
5. Learn how three different animals protect themselves in unique or mysterious ways (i.e. porcupines, skunks, rattlesnakes, kildeer). Why is their unique type of protection good for the animal? 6. Set up or participate in an animal "crime scene." Provide clues (tracks, feathers, claw marks, etc.) so that others may guess what the criminal animal did (i.e. a raccoon raiding a pantry, a cat eating a bird).
Section 2: Mysteries in the Human Kingdom
1. Find out what the seven ancient wonders of the world are. Discuss with your troop/group how they may have been made.
2. Create or use a "Trail of Mystery" in the out-of-doors. Set up or use a trail in which someone can discover clues to solve a mystery of your choice/their choosing.
3. Write a short mystery story. Share it with others and see if they can solve your mystery.
4. Learn about three different instruments or tools that may be useful in solving a mystery (i.e. a notebook to record clues, a magnifying lens, a tape recorder to toss around ideas).
5. Invent your own tool or instrument which may help solve a mystery.
6. Participate in two Wonders of Science experiments (i.e. Invisible Ink, How the Eye Sees Color). Would you have been able to guess the result?